Our Mantra

In today’s society, we constantly look to save time but never stop to savor it. MULU, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and world-renowned Malaysian National Park in Borneo Sarawak, boasts of splendid caves and gorgeous quartz formations in a mountainous equatorial rainforest like no other. Apart from being nature’s gift of art, these stones bear witness of time immemorial, hence are an integral part of our history. The elegant and confident shammy/chamois is used as the logo to portray our love for Mother Nature and to remind us not to take our surroundings for granted. We are committed to preserving and promoting the conservation of nature in the most harmonious and sustainable way possible.

In this unique experience, we invite you to partake in an enthralling journey back through time, through every enchanting corner, taking in the unique architecture and to be enlightened by the stories of MULU.

At MULU, we cherish and celebrate the remaining delicate fragments of Southeast Asian and Chinese history. And we want to share this precious heritage with you.

Selamat Menjamu Selera! Bon Appetit!