发表于 2020 年 04 月 9 日


In Southeast Asia, locals ask "have you eaten?" in place of "how are you?"; and memorable meals usually come from the colorful and flavorful cheap eats on the streets, which portrays the cultural heritage of the region. Speaking of which... will you be my kakikopi?

Laurie Noble/Getty Images

必吃Must Eat

砂拉越叻沙 Sarawak Laksa

砂拉越叻沙是每一位砂拉越子民都会想念的地道小吃,也是Jasmine每天都能吃的美食。所以它是穆禄招牌里的镇店之宝。砂拉越叻沙源自Jasmine奶奶的母亲的秘方,以7种蔬菜和配料、鸡骨和虾壳5个小时熬制而成的高汤,保证了其甜度,之后再加入36种香料和香草,配上叻沙酱煮2小时的叻沙有着多种的层次,让入口的每一次都产生不一样的惊喜,十分勾人。与新加坡吃到的叻沙不一样,砂拉越叻沙用的是江排米粉搭配豆芽、鸡蛋丝、鸡肉丝、虾、香菜,在吃的时候挤上小青桔和自制参峇酱。人们称它为“嗦一口会上瘾的一碗粉”,多种的层次刺激着味蕾,真正让人享受与沉醉。已故知名美食家Anthony Bourdain曾经想把它带到纽约,并把砂拉越叻沙称为“神的早餐”。

Sarawak Laksa is the all-time favorite of all Sarawakians and this is the dish Jasmine can have everyday! Thus, it is not surprising that it is the hero dish amongst MULU's signatures. Based on Jasmine's grandmother's recipe, MULU's laksa recipe starts with a broth made from chicken bones, prawn shells and seven types of vegetables that is simmered for five hours, which is similar to the technique for making French consomme. The broth is then combined with MULU's secret weapon, the laksa paste which is made from scratch, in-house with 36 different herbs and spices that is painstakingly cooked for 12 hours, and then simmered for a further two hours. This long, slow cooking process creates an intensely layered soup that is packed with flavors.

Unlike Singapore laksa, Sarawak laksa uses less coconut milk, and includes rice vermicelli noodles topped with bean sprouts, shredded chicken, shredded omelette, prawns and puffed tofu, and garnished with coriander and fried shallots. The laksa is then served with fresh kalamansi lime and home-made sambal for extra kick. It is worth mentioning that the late Anthony Bourdain even called Sarawak Laksa "breakfast of the gods".

穆禄海南鸡饭 MULU Hainan Chicken Rice


Considered as one of the national dishes of Singapore, this dish is also commonly found in Malaysia. Thailand also offers its version. Although it is called Hainan Chicken Rice, the taste of this dish in Singapore and Malaysia, cannot be found in Hainan, China. The dish was created by immigrants from Hainan decades ago and adapted from the Hainanese dish Wenchang Chicken. The rice which is cooked in chicken broth, garlic, ginger, spring onion and pandan leaf makes the fragrance unforgettable. A good chicken rice must have perfectly-poached chicken that is tender, moist and silky smooth. Here, MULU uses Qingyuan chicken which is slaughtered every dawn to ensure the freshest chicken is served. Important condiments which come with the dish is chilli sauce, ginger sauce and thick caramelized dark soy sauce.

肉燥鱼丸面 Bakcho Mee Pok

干拌面在东南亚因为籍贯和地域的不同,在马来西亚砂拉越当地的福建人和客家人称之为哥罗面(Kolok Mee),应该是广东人带到当地的做法,取粤语“干捞面”的谐音。在印尼和泰国,相似的面条叫bakmi(福建谐音“肉面”),新加坡称之为bak-cho-mi(福建谐音“肉燥面”),而在文莱直接说中文干捞面。不管是肉燥面、哥罗面、干捞面或者干拌面,它是有温度的街头美食。穆禄以传统做法用特别熬制的葱油拌上烫7秒熟的面条,加上香喷喷的肉燥、潮汕鱼丸和鱼饼,以及调味料再撒上葱花、干葱及砂拉越白胡椒粉,就是一碗饱足又美味的家乡味。面条是每天新鲜擀的南洋手工面,而且这碗面条让在北京的东南亚盆友们吃哭了,想家了!

Mee Pok means flat noodle, almost like a thinner cross between fettucini and linguine. MULU has improvised her popular comfort food Kolok Mee into what is popularly known in Singapore as Bakcho Mee, which literally translated as minced meat noodles in Hokkien dialect. This is a soulful breakfast favorite of most people in Southeast Asia, and there is really no secret ingredients, mainly shallot oil, some soy sauce, Sarawak white pepper, and hand-made noodles cooked in 7 seconds al-dente, tossed together and garnished with minced meat, Teochew fishball, fishcake, spring onions and fried shallots...and voila, your bakcho mee pok is ready to be served. This is the best comfort food, and perhaps your best hangover food. ^^

特别椰浆饭 Nasi Lemak Special


Although it is also native dish in neighboring Singapore, Brunei, Southern Thailand and Indonedia, nasi lemak is considered the national dish of Malaysia, and is common breakfast of the region. Nasi Lemak is a Malay fragrant rice dish cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaf and served with the soul of the dish - sweet savory spicy sambal, boiled egg, crispy peanuts, savory anchovies and cucumber. It is also known that nasi lemak is also one of the favorites of the Sultan of Brunei.

越南牛肉粉 Beef Pho


Representing Vietnam, the special beef pho is based on a recipe passed down through three generations from the best Vietnamese pho restaurant in Melbourne and has been highly-praised by the Embassy of Vietnam in Beijing. The pho broth is cooked slowly with loads of beef bones, onions, ginger and spices for 10 hours for maximum flavour and is topped with sliced Wagyu tenderloin imported from Uruguay.


1. 关注穆禄微信公众号:MULU777 外卖平台下单,免费配送范围5公里以内,78元订单起送。超出5公里,穆禄补贴5~20元运费;

2. 通过饿了吗外卖平台搜索 MULU穆禄KOPITIAM;

3. 通过锦食送外卖平台搜索 MULU穆禄KOPITIAM;

4. 致电热线 010-6400 3627 联系我们;

5. 添加外卖客服微信号:ilovemulu 联系我们。

Have You Eaten Yet? Ordering Methods:

1. Follow us on MULU Official Wechat: MULU777 and place order from our delivery platform. Free delivery within 5KM radius, with minimum order of RMB 78. MULU will subsidize 5~20RMB delivery charge for distance exceed 5KM;

2. Use ELEME Delivery, and search MULU穆禄KOPITIAM (available in English and Chinese);

3. Use JSS Delivery, and search MULU穆禄KOPITIAM (available in English and Chinese);

4. Call us at our hotline 010-6400 3627 to confirm your order;

5. Add our delivery team on wechat: ilovemulu for prompt communications;

6. Order from URL www.muluworld.cn (bilingual)

每一份餐都会附上一两份惊喜,很多时候是装了我们满满的爱的手工点心。。。 因为你是特别的❤️

Every delivery comes with a little surprise, like handmade dessert... because you are special ❤️

Traditional Malay Kek Batik 传统马来峇蒂蛋糕 △


来南洋茶室捞起牛年好运道 Celebrate An "Ox"picious New Year With Kakikopi!
来南洋茶室捞起牛年好运道 Celebrate An "Ox"picious New Year With Kakikopi!
【畅吃早午餐】南洋茶室在胡同 All You Can Eat Kopitiam Brunch in the Hutong
外卖|海鲜冬阴功上市 Seafood Tomyum
外卖|海鲜冬阴功上市 Seafood Tomyum
外卖更新|欢庆3-8宅家游走东南亚大街小巷吃好吃的 Continuing Our Street Food Journey
蟹蟹你的爱 Thank You Crabby Much for your love
感恩在异乡吃到家乡的美味。Thankful to get a taste of home away from home.
吃在东南亚:街头美食节 Street Food Fiesta, Eat Like in Southeast Asia


来自亚洲的风味故事 ——穆禄胡同 X 福楼私享晚宴第二章

In this second East Meets West collaboration between Mulu Hutong and Maison FLO!

来自亚洲的风味故事 ——穆禄胡同 X 福楼私享晚宴第二章

In this second East Meets West collaboration between Mulu Hutong and Maison FLO!
















Overseas Chinese visiting the Mulu WFC

Today we hosted a very cheerful group of overseas Chinese who returned to the People's Republic of China 40-60 years ago.

69th Anniversary Celebration of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the People's Republic of China

MULUWFC welcomes all our honourable guests to the 69th Anniversary Celebration of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the People's Republic of China.

The Southeast Asian Post-Pandemic Explosion
The Southeast Asian Post-Pandemic Explosion
来一场酣畅淋漓的东南亚美食趴! Join Us At The Ultimate S.E. Asian Indulgence!
来一场酣畅淋漓的东南亚美食趴! Join Us At The Ultimate S.E. Asian Indulgence!
来南洋茶室 感受舌尖上的“小娘惹” Discover The Taste of Love at Kakikopi
来南洋茶室 感受舌尖上的“小娘惹” Discover The Taste of Love at Kakikopi
来南洋茶室 感受舌尖上的“小娘惹” Discover The Taste of Love at Kakikopi
来南洋茶室 感受舌尖上的“小娘惹” Discover The Taste of Love at Kakikopi
KAKIKOPI by MULU Soft Opening 地道南洋茶室登陆北京低调试营业中
KAKIKOPI by MULU Soft Opening 地道南洋茶室登陆北京低调试营业中
KAKIKOPI by MULU Soft Opening 地道南洋茶室登陆北京低调试营业中
KAKIKOPI by MULU Soft Opening 地道南洋茶室登陆北京低调试营业中
Authentic Kopitiam Dining at Kakikopi
Authentic Kopitiam Dining at Kakikopi
南洋茶室在胡同 Kopitiam in the Hutong


Come Kopitiam Chit Chat! Laugh and have fun.

Let MULU WFC Take You on a Journey Through Southeast Asia

Here are truly Southeast Asia.Come and have a taste!



跟你吃饭的每一天都是Golden Day

北国的清秋的佳日,是一年之中最好也没有的Golden Days~

Anak Kelahiran Sarawak Promosi Malaysia Ke Seluruh Dunia Melalui Makanan

Hasrat memperkenalkan makanan Asia Tenggara terutamanya dari Malaysia ke seluruh dunia mendorong anak kelahiran Sarawak mengorak langkah berani dengan membuka Restoran Mulu di Beijing.


Hasrat memperkenalkan makanan Asia Tenggara terutamanya dari Malaysia ke seluruh dunia mendorong anak kelahiran Sarawak mengorak langkah berani dengan membuka Restoran Mulu di Beijing.

The Mulu, more than just a Malaysian restaurant in Beijing

The Mulu Restaurant in this Chinese capital city is much more than just an eatery selling Malaysian and other Southeast Asian food.

桂贤:不局限于官方 . 盼砂中民间增往来


赵凌云:合作空间大 . 南市东城互取所长


砂之子许保萱牵线 . 古晋南市 北京东城缔友好


砂之子许保萱牵线 . 古晋南市 北京东城缔友好


Amazing food-making moments to boost appetite!

Asian Cuisine Festival ended successfully in Beijing on May 22


「 穆禄年夜饭,已开启预订 」收获你的第一个东南亚文化新年。今天是1月19日,距离除夕夜还有17天。即将迎来春节,对世界带有饱和好奇心的我们,总想多一份不一样的体验。中国如此隆重的春节,异国他乡,家家户户是如何度过?


穆禄最早始于北京辛寺胡同里一家只接受预定用餐的小院,创造了中国第一个胡同创意菜。从第一家胡同店走出,在王府中環开起了第二家店,也是 首家旗舰店型 —— 穆禄王府。

我们以 东南菜亚菜系 出发,将汶莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、越南等地的好味道一网打尽。